Share one account with the L&M Overseer/COBE and their assistants.
Local Brothers/Visiting Speakers Pages
View, add, edit, delete brother’s/speaker’s profiles, part history (Chairman/Watchtower Conductor/Reader) and time away information.
See list of all outlines each local brother can give and public talk history.
Maintain list of visiting speakers and their contact information.
Schedules Page
View, add, edit, delete schedule weeks. Schedule special weeks such as CO visits, assemblies, and conventions.
Auto-assign the Chairman, Watchtower conductor and Reader. Easily add details for the local or visiting speaker, add a translator, and schedule hospitality if needed.
Hide and Show weeks. Hide weeks in the past and only show the most current weeks needed for editing and printing. Schedules that were manually hidden by the user can be easily viewed again, by clicking on the show week's button on the schedules page.
Send Assignment messages or remind brothers/speakers of their upcoming parts with Email, SMS Text or WhatsApp messages on supported desktop and mobile devices.
Print the Schedule for the info board in Word or PDF
Quickly search the last time an outline was given or when a brother last gave a talk in your congregation.
More reports coming soon!
Use individual names or service groups.
Keep track of the last time hospitality was given.
Add your congregation name and meeting information.
Easily Edit Assignment/Reminder message templates.
Set the same Watchtower conductor for every week.
Backup your data anytime. Import from backup. .
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